
United nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict
United nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict

“The tragic fate of child victims of conflict cannot and must not leave us unmoved a child killed, recruited as a soldier, injured in an attack or prevented from going school due to a conflict is already one too many,” the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. The alarming scale and severity of violations against children in 2016 – including shocking levels of killing and maiming, recruitment and use and denial of humanitarian access – is a serious concern for the Secretary-General.

united nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict united nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict

New York, 5 October 2017 – Boys and girls living in countries affected by armed conflict have been victims of widespread violations in 2016, as documented in the Secretary-General’s Annual Report on Children and Armed Conflict (A/72/361) released today and covering the period from January to December 2016. Millions of Children Caught in Conflict, Victims and Targets of Despicable Harm

  • Voices for Children Affected by Conflict.
  • ACT TO PROTECT children affected by conflict.
  • Virtual Summer School on Child Protection in Armed Conflict.
  • Ratification status of the Optional Protocol.
  • united nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict

    OPAC – Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict.

    United nations security council august 2017 children and armed conflict